Invictus in Portugal joins OMNI

Invictus Relocation in Portugal has joined OMNI (Overseas Moving Network International).

Invictus was started by Fábio Manuel in 2013. He has an extraordinary back story: ask him about it sometime.  That’s why he chose to name of his company, Invictus, meaning ‘unconquerable, undefeated’, enshrined in the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley.  Starting his moving company was Fábio’s own way of being ‘The captain of his soul’.  The company now has a very smart operational centre just outside Lisbon. Agustin de Escalada, previously with Mercovan in Argentina, joined him in the summer of 2022 to handle business development.

“Joining OMNI was a very nice way to put a crown on our 10-year anniversary,” said Fábio. Adding that ever since he started the company he wanted it to be part of recognised groups and was delighted to receive an invitation to join OMNI.  The company became a member on 14th December 2023.

Agustin confirmed, however, that over the last 10 years, Invictus had been working with many of the OMNI companies anyway. “So it’s a natural consequence of the work that we’re doing.”

Although Invictus is already a member of many other groups, Fábio sees OMNI as slightly different.   “Every group that we join is for a particular reason,” he said, “with a particular objective. Not everyone can be part of OMNI.  It’s a group that includes some of the biggest agents in the world. They are leaders in their markets, and we are one of the leading companies in Portugal.”

“By joining OMNI we aim to present our image as more than just a small family company,” added Fábio.  “We have grown now and, we believe, deserve to be recognised as a company to be trusted, one that OMNI agents can work with in confidence.  That’s the whole point.  OMNI is a quality seal.”

Asked what difference being part of OMNI will make to Invictus, Agustin is clear.  “It’s tonnage.  We were already working with so many OMNI members, but they are not able to reciprocate because we’re not members. Now we hope to see more volume because we are part of the same group.  That will also allow us to channel more business towards OMNI members.”

Fábio is immensely proud of the company he has created and sees it now entering a new phase of its development. He said that it’s easy for companies to buy a bigger warehouse or a new van.  That’s not the point. “We want our customers and agents to have a good experience with us, so they want to work with us again and again.”

He does that, in part at least, through a principle of openness and transparency.  “For example, we have a lot of business to the islands [Madera and the Azores].  Customers often have many demands, but they must understand that living on an island is not the same.  We explain clearly what we can do and what is not possible.  We manage their expectations.  We believe that’s the right way to do business, the professional way.”

Fábio and Agustin are looking forward to being part of OMNI and, in particular, to attending the OMNI conference this year in Dublin. It’s their intention to build relationships, illustrating their individual style of doing business, while learning as much as they can from the leaders of some of the most influential companies in the industry. To grow, to flourish – not just undefeated: but thriving.


Photo: Fábio Manuel